31 Days to Healthier Relationships: A Recap

We started "31 Days to Healthier Relationships" with an objective of helping our readers gain greater understanding, wisdom and tools to have healthier relationships. We focused the entire month of December on one thing and one thing only: relational health! No complaining...no bitterness...no blaming allowed.

I feel like we succeeded! In case you missed any of it, I wanted to highlight a few of my favorite posts of the series. I can't cover everything, but here are a few you might want to go back and check out!

"His Needs, Her Needs: The Top 5 Things a Woman NEEDS!" - Learn the differences between what a woman needs as opposed to what she wants.

"His Needs, Her Needs: The Top 5 Things a Man NEEDS!" - What is NECESSARY for him to be fulfilled in a relationship with a woman?

"8 Keys to Talking to Men" - Men and women speak different languages. If you're concerned that he doesn't understand you, check this out.

"He Can Trust Her" - Solomon asked "A faithful man who can find?" and there's no doubt loyalty is still valued today...perhaps even more.

"Eliminating the Blame Game" - This article will help anybody get "unstuck" so they can move forward into happier and healthier relationships!

"Why Get Married At All?" - Marriage is under attack! Learn how to fight for it and how to battle for your's, too!

"While He Is Awaiting His Set Time" - One of our most popular posts addresses what to do while waiting for that special relationship.

"7 Reasons He Hasn't Taken the Plunge" - It's not always about you. Relax. Sometimes there is more going on than you see on the surface.

Please share your thoughts. Did anything stand out to you? Do you learn anything or have something you've always suspected confirmed? Let us here from you and share our He Who Finds a Wife and Be Worth Finding Facebook sites with your friends! And, as always, remember to Live BIG!!!